Monday, August 1, 2011

A2 City News - August 2011

August 2011
A2 City News Resident Newsletter Article List
Electronic distribution: Monday, August 1, 2011

*** Be aware. Be alert. Be informed. The recent sexual assault wanted poster and information are posted online. Go to for details. ***
To further raise awareness on this issue, Ann Arbor Community Television Network’s FYI is featuring Anchor/Producer Dana Denha talking with Ann Arbor Police Lieutenant Renee Bush for advice on how to stay safe. This edition of FYI weekly news magazine premieres Friday, July 29 at 6 p.m. and repeats at 10 p.m. on CitiTV Channel 19 on Comcast Cable.  FYI is also available on Video on Demand.

City Council selects new city administrator 
At their July 18 meeting, Ann Arbor City Council unanimously approved a resolution to offer the city administrator position to Steve Powers.
Powers has served as the county administrator with Marquette County, Michigan, home to Northern Michigan University, since 1996. Prior to Marquette County, he served as the county coordinator for Martin County, Minnesota, (1994 –1996) and as the assistant county administrator and assistant to the county administrator for Jackson County, Oregon, (1987-1994) where he managed human resources, labor relations, risk management, and  organizational development and training and served as acting county administrator during the county administrator’s absence. He was also the management and budget analyst for Johnson County, Kansas (1986-1987).  He holds a master of public administration degree from the University of Kansas and a bachelor of arts degree in public administration and political science from Augustana College.
Currently, Mayor Hieftje has appointed council members Higgins, Briere, Derezinski and Taylor to assist the city’s human resources director in working with Powers to finalize a contract.

AAPD launches new online crime-mapping service
In order to proactively share accurate and up-to-date crime data, the Ann Arbor Police Department recently went live with, a service of the Omega Group. The city joins seven other agencies in Michigan who report their crime data through this crime-mapping service.
The CrimeMapping website allows residents to map out reported, verified criminal activity near any address, select crime types, date ranges and generate reports. Users also are able to subscribe to receive crime alerts and updates via e-mail when new crimes occur. pulls incident data every 24 hours from the Ann Arbor police records management system, however, only crimes that have completed a review and approval process are displayed.  Ann Arbor crime data from the previous six months will also be available to map on this site. 

Vote Tuesday, Aug. 2
Polls will be open in wards 2, 3 and 5 only from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. for the City Primary Election on Tuesday, Aug. 2. Go to the city election website for ballot details and more information, or call734.794.6140.

"Preview" ... camera, action!
Have you ever wanted to learn to operate a camcorder or video camera; edit footage; or learn lighting and set design? Well, Ann Arbor residents, your chance is coming. Community Television Network is revamping its television production classes and will roll out a new class format this fall. So get ready …
The first step to participating in CTN’s variety of free-to-residents classes is attending the CTN Preview class. Typically offered monthly, the next Preview is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 2. Make sure you attend this session first, in order to join the re-launch of the production classes in September. Enroll today, as space is limited.
To register, call 734.794.6150, extension 0; or visit the CTN studios Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday between noon and 9 p.m. or on Wednesdays from 5 to 9 p.m. only. Find details on the CTN workshops website or call CTN at 734.794.6150.

Save Water, Save Energy Breakfast
The average American uses 99 gallons of water a day for activities such as washing clothes, bathing, toilet flushing and cooking. Water heating, alone, is easily the second or third largest energy expenditure.
Learn easy and affordable techniques and tools that could help a typical Ann Arbor family of four save up to $300 annually on utility bills. From 8 until 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 2, the Huron River Watershed Council and the Clean Energy Coalition will host the Save Water, Save Energy Breakfast at  the NEW Center, 1100 North Main St. Coffee and bagels will be served; and guests will also receive a coupon for savings on a Water EcoKitTM.
In addition, the breakfast can help everyone conserve the energy that goes to pump, treat and heat water, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and keep more water in our rivers, lakes, wetlands and underground aquifers.
Seats for this event are limited. Visit the event website to pre register and for details.

Save these dates! 
Among the many public meetings/events taking place in August, here are some of the highlights (go to the online calendar for details and a complete list): Vote AUG. 2 / Save Water, Save Energy event is also AUG. 2 / See the new fire trucks AUG. 3 / City Council meeting is THURSDAY, AUG. 4

New fire engines unveiled
The fire department has purchased two new fire trucks and is excited to provide an opportunity for people to see the trucks. A free special event for viewing is taking place Wednesday, Aug. 3, between 3:30 and 5 p.m., on Fifth Avenue directly in front of the Ann Arbor Justice Center (between Ann and Huron streets). All are welcome to come and check out the new trucks. Fire services staff will also be available to answer questions.

Online tree-inventory data
The city’s tree inventory can now be viewed through a new website called mapAnnArbor. The inventory provides information including species, size and condition of city-managed trees along streets and in mowed areas of parks. Visit the urban forestry website, and select the “tree inventory” link. mapAnnArbor is a joint partnership between the City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County. 
Also available at is the fiscal year 2012 tree planting plan.

Faster Internet service is coming to Ann Arbor
The City of Ann Arbor and University of Michigan have partnered with 28 research universities/communities to build ultra high-speed computer networks. The “Gig.U” initiative will provide residents and businesses with Internet services several hundred times faster than what is now commercially available and will also create zones that support high-tech startups in areas near the universities.
The Gig.U project’s approach is to build upon the existing foundation and collaboration created during the Google Community Fiber initiative. According to the Gig.U website, this effort capitalizes on the notion that upgrading university communities can yield major gains for both the future of America’s leadership in research and for the American economic leadership.  The many benefits to high-speed networks include advancing research, facilitating innovations, stimulating economic growth and supporting community priorities, such as improvements in health care, education and public safety.
The Gig.U consortium is issuing a request for information to private-sector telecommunications companies, in lieu of asking for government financing. The plan is for the private sector to ultimately fund the network, which is targeted to be in place within the next several years.
Other Big Ten institutions involved are Michigan State University, Indiana University, Penn State University and the University of Illinois. Go to the Gig.U website for more information, including a complete list of its members and their testimonials.

Customer Service Center now within City Hall
Do you need to pay a water bill? A parking ticket? Please note, the City of Ann Arbor Customer Service Center is now located in its new permanent location on the first floor of Larcom City Hall, at 301 E. Huron St. Community services, parks and recreation and planning and development also are located on the first floor.
Customer Service Center services include:
·       Payment processing for water bills, parking tickets, property taxes and solid waste;
·       Routing city calls and requests and providing general city information to walk-in customers; and
·       This unit also is responsible for water utility meter reading, installation, repair, billing, backflow prevention inspections and certifications.
Exterior construction around the Ann Arbor Municipal Center — including stormwater management systems, a rain garden and green roof — will continue throughout the summer.
More information about the Ann Arbor Municipal Center construction project is available online (link is found under the “working in” heading).

 Parks renovations/innovations planned
Some park facilities will receive much-needed TLC beginning this month and into the fall. Read on for the exciting details …
The West Park tennis courts are being rebuilt, with construction tentatively slated to begin in mid September. Construction will include the entire rebuilding of the three courts, with new fencing, retaining walls, a new entry walk and bocce ball court. The current tennis courts’ retaining wall is failing, and there are significant cracks throughout the surface. The courts were built approximately 30 years ago and are one of the more popular tennis court locations in Ann Arbor. As an alternative during court renovations at West Park, the tennis courts at nearby Veterans Memorial Park, 2150 Jackson Ave., were just rebuilt and reopened in July. 
Veterans Memorial Park pool will soon have a shade structure with solar panels to produce electricity to fuel the pool and arena, offsetting energy costs at the facility. Guests to Vets pool have long requested additional shade amenities at the pool, so this project provided the ideal opportunity to partner with the city’s energy office for solar panels and project funding. The shade structure will be located on the west side of the pool deck. Construction will begin in August, but pool use will not be interrupted. 
The pool locker rooms at Vets will be renovated this fall. Construction is slated to begin soon after the pool closes for the summer season and will continue into the fall. The locker rooms have not been updated for approximately 15 to 20 years, and renovations will include new lockers, flooring, sinks and counters, windows, lighting and ventilation for an enhanced customer experience.

Birthday celebration
Join the fun as the Ann Arbor Farmers Market turns 92 years old! On Saturday, Aug. 6 from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m., the market, located at 315 Detroit St. in Kerrytown, will celebrate its birthday and its customers with free ice cream and toppings donated from market vendors (while supplies last). Call for details, 734.794.6255, or visit the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market webpage.

Historic District Commission awards
Citizens and businesses were recently honored for their commitment to preservation during the Historic District Commission’s 23rd annual awards ceremony. Each year, the awards are given to property owners who have rehabilitated a building or structure while respecting its significant historic and architectural features or who have preserved a property’s or structure’s historical, cultural or architectural value for 10 or more years. 
Awards were presented for preservation, rehabilitation and special merit, as well as preservation project of the year. Visit the website for details, including a list of those honored with a 2011 award. 

Annual tournaments heat up the links
Golfers young and more experienced have been testing their skills this summer at the city’s Huron Hills and Leslie Park golf courses. Golf tournaments have been taking place throughout the summer, with two more in August.
Monday through Wednesday, Aug. 8 through 10 is the Herb Fowler Junior Championship at Huron Hills Golf Course, 3465 E. Huron River Drive. Entries are open to all junior amateur golfers ages 17 and under, or those enrolled in, and not yet graduated from, high school. There are no handicap index eligibility requirements. The field will be limited to 164 players. A mini tournament will be held for golfers ages 12 and under, limited to 48 players. Participants interested in the junior tournament must register by Tuesday, Aug. 2.
The Senior Amateur Tournament is Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 20 and 21 at Leslie Park Golf Course, 2120 Traver Road. Competition will be 36 holes of stroke play. Entries are open to both male and female amateur golfers who have reached their 50th birthday by Aug. 21, 2011. Members of the Super Senior’s group also must reach their 65th  birthday by Aug. 21, 2011. There are no handicap index eligibility requirements. The field will be limited to 124 players. Interested participants must register by Thursday, Aug. 18.
For tournament details, including the registration forms, visit the golf course website, or call 734.794.6245.